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Change Your Mindset with Gratitude

By William-Antoine L., Grade 11
I want to talk about a topic that truly resonates with me: gratitude. As we all know, it’s very easy to get caught up in this crazy life at Stanstead, but I want to remind you all to not forget the little things that make it special.  
I want to share a little story with you all. When I was five years old, I was diagnosed with a genetic disease called nephronophthisis, a disease that attacked both my kidneys and, in short, made them both stop working. Due to this, I was in the hospital for most of my childhood, as I needed dialysis. I was hooked up to a machine through tubes that were connected to my heart. 
Thankfully, after some tests, we figured out that my dad could give me one of his kidneys, and without hesitation my dad stepped up. Ever since then I have been living a healthy, almost normal life. I do take medication every morning and every night, I do have appointments at the hospital regularly and I do have limitations on some aspects of my life, but in the end, I look around and find myself very lucky because some people have it much harder than I do. 
These life challenges have taught me to appreciate every moment because you never know when it will slip away. In reflecting on my life, there are numerous aspects for which I am truly grateful and I would like to share a few with you all. 
  • Family  
  • My roommate/best buddy JC
  • Big Woods with the golf team 
  • The little rascals knocking on my door every morning begging me to open the TOD 
  • Waking up in the morning 
For me, acknowledging the things that I am grateful for daily has given me a new perspective on how I choose to approach certain things. Some people decide to live their lives as if nothing were a miracle, while others decide to live their lives as if everything was a miracle. Knowing that makes you realize that some things are taken for granted.
In fact, it can give you a positive mindset on life. Instead of approaching certain situations with a lack of motivation and negative attitude, it can help you take new experiences with a positive mindset.  For example, for me, when I have a full day with no spares and I’m tired and just unmotivated, it makes it easier for me to get through that day knowing that golf practice is waiting for me. 
So just keep in mind, that when things are down, think about all the things that are up.  

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